Frisson: In-Depth Look at a Brand Born from Necessity and Nurture

In a world dominated by the glow of screens and the constant buzz of notifications, discovering a way to take a break from digital devices can be a true joy.

Frisson is a Ukrainian brand dedicated to creating aesthetically pleasing puzzles in collaboration with Ukrainian artists. These puzzles are designed to offer relaxation and a break from digital devices, fostering a connection with art and the moment.

In this interview, Frisson's founder, Kseniya Morozenko, will tell you more about the history behind the brand, the details of the manufacturing, and other exciting things, so let's dive into the world of puzzles together.

How and when did you develop the idea for your brand?

The concept for the brand emerged in late 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, when everyone was confined at home and looking for activities to engage in. Having failed to find interesting puzzles among the assortment in Ukraine, we saw interesting brands abroad, ordered them, tested them, and noticed a shortage of adult puzzles in our local market. Additionally, we learned about the growing demand for puzzles. These factors motivated us to start our production. There was demand, there was almost no competition, and the only thing left to do was to find where, with whom, and how to produce the desired puzzles for an adult audience. 

During the brand creation process, it was important to me that every detail held significance, so I definitely wanted to add a postcard to the puzzle set. Firstly, it's a blank postcard with a picture of the artist, which can be hung on the wall and admired; secondly, a postcard can always be signed and shared with friends; and thirdly, here lies my personal story from childhood, this postcard can be cut into small triangles and assembled like a puzzle. This is what my grandmother used to do as a child. She now lives in Makiivka, Donetsk region, which is currently occupied by Russia. I lived there from 3 to 6 years old, and my grandmother worked with me to develop my cognitive abilities. She would take a postcard with a picture of the city, and then she would cut it into triangles, mix it up, and thus create a homemade puzzle for me. You can say that I am continuing our family business - I am creating puzzles that the whole family enjoys assembling together. I even came up with a slogan for the brand - Better Together. It's a wholesome message that it's always better to be better together: for people, for puzzles, for everyone.

After 6 months of work, searching for production and interesting artists, the brand was launched and the first sales took place on June 25, 2021. We are thankful to those who believed in us and supported us during that time frame. It was very exciting and honestly a little scary when we received our first 2000 puzzles. But the sales took off, and after that, we released two more collections + our special charity drops, where we donated the money made from the sales to a charity.

Why did you give your brand such a name? 

For me, this is a very special name, and everyone who learns about the meaning and translation immediately gets it. Frisson is a French word that describes a state of having goosebumps. In fact, everything we create broadcasts this state of mind. We use this even when we do our decision-making business-wise, because when an idea comes up and you feel those goosebumps, you realize that this is it! 

How do you select Ukrainian artists for collaboration on your puzzle designs? What criteria must their work meet?

When I created the brand, I was not familiar with local artists, so for the first collection, I gathered information from what I either liked or was recommended by friends. It is very important for me that the brand has a match with the artist. The criteria for selecting works for artists are quite simple. We want the puzzle to be of medium complexity so that it would be interesting for both beginners and avid puzzlers to assemble it. During the Russian invasion, which resulted in a full-scale war, the selection criteria have become even more extensive, and now I choose artists based on what they do in Ukraine and for Ukraine, whether they raise funds, participate in charity events, provide their artwork for auctions, or maintain a socially active position in general. If the answer is no to all of the above, we don't cooperate with such people. It spurs from our own very active social position as we often donate or provide puzzles for various needs, both for auctions, charity markets, and for civilians in frontline areas or families who have suffered losses during the war.

Are there any innovative features or technologies you're looking to incorporate into your puzzles or packaging in the future? 

Our super innovations lie in simple things. We care about the environment, so we made sure that all materials are either made from recycled materials, such as puzzles, cup holders, and the box, or that all materials can be reused, such as the eco bag in which the puzzles are collected, that we designed and sewed; or, what is super important, all materials can be recycled and don't harm the environment. However, it will be long before you want to recycle it because the box is so aesthetically pleasing and will become a decoration on your bookshelf or the TV table, reminding you that you can always take a break from gadgets and switch gears to improve your memory and mental state.

Do you offer or plan to offer personalized puzzles where customers can submit their images to be turned into puzzles?

We don't have such plans as of yet. Our specialty and value is supporting Ukrainian artists, so we want to popularize Ukrainian art through puzzles. We also treat it as a way of making art more accessible to the general public, and to make it easier to have work by your favorite artists at home.

Recently, we have been emphasizing this very thing: by solving a puzzle, you become a co-creator of contemporary art. 

How do you collect and incorporate customer feedback into your product development and service improvement processes?

My favorite thing is collecting feedback - I love asking clients how they found out about the brand. We usually get very different answers: some tell us that they ordered our puzzle because they have been following the artist, who created the image for the puzzle; some are just avid puzzle lovers. But for me personally it’s a cool exercise to get to know your customers better. 

Could you share more about the process of transforming an artist's work into a puzzle?

When creating an illustration, we provide a guide with tips on how to create it better and what to look for from a technical point of view. If we are talking about the production process, then at first, we agree with the artist and provide all the necessary data. Then, when the illustration is ready, we send it to the technologist, approve all the colors and shades, then print, cut, pack it in our bags, and add all the necessary materials to the puzzle set. Then, we receive them, perform quality checks, send them to the artists, and assemble the first copies.

Are there any upcoming collaborations with artists or brands that puzzle fans should look forward to?

I don't want to spoil anything; we're still at the stage where we're looking at all the artists we want to connect to. Our next collection is going to be absolutely amazing.

Are there any new product categories, aside from puzzles, that Frisson is considering exploring?

Currently, I like everything that relates to mental health, to everything that supports us during hard times. But this was not in the context of Frisson. Once I started working with the bulky yarn, I started knitting anti-stress accessories. We presented them to our customers, and they were sold out. 

What have been the biggest challenges and achievements in Frisson's journey so far?

It's been a complicated path: we launched the brand during the COVID-19 pandemic, and then the full-scale invasion started. Right now, the main difficulties come from the risks of living in Ukraine during the war, of losing everything due to the missile strikes. It's both terrifying and hardening. But because of our mentality, because we are Ukrainians, I am sure we will cope with everything that comes our way. 

Which puzzle is currently the most popular?

We have several popular items now. The first one is the charity puzzle that we made in collaboration with the Gus brand, the SUPERGOOSE puzzle. It was exclusively created to support the Superhumans Center, which is located in Lviv and provides prosthetics for those who need them. The puzzles cost $26 each, 50% of which goes to the Superhumans Center for rehabilitation. This edition counts only 200 puzzles, so $5,200 will go to the cause. Currently, we have less than 60 puzzles left. The second most popular puzzle is MENTAL, created together with Anastasiia Rudyk. This puzzle is all about mental health and things that keep us going: books, nature, donations, hugs, morning coffee, etc.

If you're in search of distinctive and engaging puzzles, Frisson's offerings will be perfect for you. Explore their website to find beautifully crafted puzzles that are ideal for enthusiasts and collectors alike.

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